- Marketing & Creative
- Tangerang Selatan
- Paid Internship
We’ll get in touch with you first when a fitting opportunity arises.

Enjoy the benefits of comprehensive healthcare with our BPJS coverage.

We cover all of our team’s Medical In-patient, Out-patient, and Dental.

We influence employee satisfaction at work positively by providing a sufficient device that drives productivity in the workplace.

Monthly activity to bring the team together

We invest in your growth by covering your training and classes for personal and professional development.

Relish in office life with lunch and snacks while you work.

Solitaire is a fun place to work with very supportive people, and there are always new skills and experiences every day!

Bekerja di Solitaire memberikan pengalaman seru dan peluang bertumbuh yang tidak terbatas. Saya telah mengalami perkembangan pesat dalam karir saya dan merasa sangat dihargai sebagai bagian dari tim ini.

Bergabung bersama Solitaire memberikan saya pengalaman yang luar biasa, suasana kerja yang nyaman membuat saya mendapatkan banyak sekali hal baru setiap hari.